Careers Wales Mark

Careers Wales Mark

We are pleased to announce we have been awarded with the Careers Wales Mark, in recognition of our commitment to continuous quality improvement in Careers and the World of Work provision in school.
School Reopening Letter

School Reopening Letter

9th March 2021 Dears parents/carers, Following the announcements by the Minister for Education and the continuing fall in infection rates locally, I am nowin a position to confirm our arrangements for the return to school. Learners in year 11, return to school on...
Welsh Government Announcement 3-3-21

Welsh Government Announcement 3-3-21

3rd March 2021 Dear parent/guardian                                                                                                                                                                 The announcement this morning from the Welsh Government with regards to...
Year 11 Leaving date

Year 11 Leaving date

Please note that year 11 learners are NOT leaving school on Friday and DO need to return after half term. Please can I reassure all parents and learners that school is not finished for year 11 – in fact it is more important than ever that learners continue to...