Our School


All staff are made aware of the school’s policy regarding child protection and undertake regular training in order to be able to uphold it.

The designated officer for safeguarding in the school is Mrs D Millington, Assistant Headteacher responsible for Inclusion and the Deputy Designated Officer is Mrs S Messham.

The school’s policies regarding safeguarding are available below.

Connah’s Quay High School works hard to provide a safe and healthy environment for all learners and staff.

Health and Safety checks are made regularly, and measures taken to rectify any potential hazards. We ask and encourage learners, staff and parents to report any concerns regarding security or Health and Safety immediately to the Headteacher.

Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Mrs D Millington

Assistant Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Officer

Mrs S Messham

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer

Years Established



Get In Touch

Location: CQHS, Golftyn Lane, Connahs Quay, CH5 4BH

Main Office Telephone: 01244 813491

School Day: M-F: 8:50am - 3:15pm

6164 5259