

Message from Well-Being Lead

Our Mission statement includes the following:

To promote positive well-being and emotional mental health for all . This ensures learners have the necessary lifelong skills to look after their well-being and the resilience to lead happy, fulfilled lives as members of our community. 
We are committed to ensuring you leave school with the skills and resilience to live life to the full as healthy, confident individuals. As part of this, we have committed ourselves to achieving the Wellbeing Award for Schools (WAS). The award recognises a school’s efforts to promote positive emotional well-being and mental health education and support. we are required to complete an action plan and recognise what we do well already and what we need to do to improve.  
The journey to accreditation will take many months and you will be provided with updates on our progress.
Amanda Creevy- Assistant Headteacher
We are delighted to announce we have been awarded the Wellbeing Award for Schools.
This is a prestigious award, given in recognition of the work and strategies in place which promote emotional wellbeing and mental health.
In his report, the verifier stated:
The range of awareness raising activities and support is extensive including discussions in tutor groups, work in Citizenship lessons, a student wellbeing club, full time pastoral staff whom pupils can access for support at any time, a sensory room, clear signposting (including imaginative approaches such as key rings for vulnerable learners with support info and links), worry boxes and a number of external programmes including the Blues Programme and Kindness Matters. Written evidence shows an impressive range of universal and targeted provision to support learners’ EWMH and it was good to hear about initiatives such as the thriving LGBTQ+ group.


Mental and Emotional Health in the Curriculum

At CQHS you focus on mental and emotional health in both key stages and at different points throughout the school year. In KS3 you have 2 health and wellbeing lessons per fortnight. The following topics are covered:


  • Exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle
  • Introduction to a healthy lifestyle
  • Mental Health and Well-being
  • Preparing healthy meals
  • Anti-Bullying Awareness
  • Child Poverty in Wales
  • Understanding Relationships
  • Understanding Substance Misuse
  • Understanding the effects of alcohol
The topics are chosen, according to the results of the SHRN report. This ensures we are covering topics which are the most relevant to learners at our school.
At KS4, mental and emotional health is covered in citizenship lessons.  The following topics are covered:
  • What is binge drinking
  • Social media and self-esteem
  • What is body positive?
  • The importance of sleep
  • Relationship and sex education
  • Positivity and happiness

Years Established



Get In Touch

Location: CQHS, Golftyn Lane, Connahs Quay, CH5 4BH

Main Office Telephone: 01244 813491

School Day: M-F: 8:50am - 3:15pm

6164 5259