Members of Governing Body
Any members of the governing body can be contacted via the Clerk to Governing Body at the school’s address.
Chair of Governors (L.E.A.) |
J Roberts |
Parent Governors | S Bland |
S Halley | |
N Rowe | |
Cllr A Hughes | |
K Edwards | |
Vacancy | |
Teacher Governors | H Wentel |
Vacancy | |
Staff Governor | Vacancy |
Local Education Authority Governors | I Dunbar |
A J Roberts | |
P Shotton | |
Vacancy | |
Community Governors | K Bell |
J Darby | |
R Jackson | |
K Roberts | |
Vacancy | |
Headteacher (ex-officio) | J Forber |
Clerk to Governing Body | F Bennett |
Flintshire Education Authority Director of Education |
C Homard |
Tel: 01352 752121 | |
Governors to be appointed as per Welsh Governing Body guidance. |
The above information relates to the current academic year and is correct at the time of writing. It should not be assumed that there will be no changes before or during the following year.
Report from the Governing Body to Parents 2022-2023
Please CLICK HERE to access the Parent Governor nomination form.
Last updated 6/10/2023
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: CQHS, Golftyn Lane, Connahs Quay, CH5 4BH
Main Office Telephone: 01244 813491
School Day: M-F: 8:50am - 3:15pm