3rd March 2021

Dear parent/guardian                                                                                                                                                                

The announcement this morning from the Welsh Government with regards to learners returning to school from the 15th March, will no doubt have created some confusion and a host of questions pertinent to your families and personal circumstances. 

To be honest, it was surprise for us, as a school also, as we were ourselves not aware of this change in direction until we heard it on the BBC news this morning. However, we are working really hard to read the guidance and look at the provision we can offer, whilst also continuing with remote learning and key worker provision and also ensuring we stay within the strict COVID regulations.

What I can tell you is that, apart from year 11, no year group will be returning full time before Easter. Year 10 will be offered a few days provision to make contact with core and option GCSE subjects before the Easter holidays, whilst lower year groups of 7,8 and 9 will be offered a few hours access to come into school, in order to make contact with their form tutor and teaching staff during the second week (beginning 22nd March.)

As yet, it is not clear what the picture will look like after Easter, and whether learners will remain with a mixture of at home learning and some part time provision within school. We will of course continue to work with you to keep you as up to date as possible, as soon as possible. 

In the meantime, please bear with us. The process of returning staff and learners to school, and ensuring processes and systems are robust enough to keep all as safe as possible, is complicated and difficult. It will take us time to work through it. 

Early next week we will publish timetables for all year group, outlining what provision is on offer for each year group. Until then, can I politely request that you do not contact our pastoral team for more information. They will notify you when we have had time to digest all the information and put our plans in place. 

Kind regards

Amanda Harrison​​
