
Reviews of Marking

Reviews of Marking

Post Results Services

JCQ Post Results Guidance

Post Results Services are provided by all the Examination Boards after issue of results. Services include:

  • Clerical recheck– A re-check of all clerical procedures leading to the issue of a result. For example, checking that all parts of the script have been marked, and that the totalling and recording of marks is correct.
  • Review of marking– to ensure the agreed mark scheme has been applied correctly and to carry out clerical checks. It is NOT a re-marking of the script. This service is only available to externally assessed components, for example, external Examination Papers, not coursework.
    You are reminded that a review of marking as well as clerical checks could result in a mark being adjusted DOWN as well as UP.
  • Access to scripts– Candidates are able to request access to their own scripts for general interest or to inform future learning, for example for re-sitting examinations. A request for this service must be signed and dated by the candidate.

Although the Examinations Officer can advise regarding the above services from an administrative viewpoint, it is usual for students and/or parents to contact their subject teacher or head of department for specific help and advice as to whether one or more of the services should be accessed.

Students (not parents) need to consent and payment must be made before the school will make any enquiries about results. In giving consent you (the student) acknowledge that you understood that your final subject grade awarded may be lower than, higher than or the same as the grade which was originally awarded.


Requests for any of the above services must be made using this online form: Review of Marking Form or using the form below

Years Established



Get In Touch

Location: CQHS, Golftyn Lane, Connahs Quay, CH5 4BH

Main Office Telephone: 01244 813491

School Day: M-F: 8:50am - 3:15pm

6164 5259