In response to the queries raised by parents/carers as part of the consultation please see responses below:

Change of time for registration

  • How will absent learners be checked?

The system for checking absences would not change.  Period 1 would record the first register of the day and current procedures would then be followed.

  • What about learners who arrive late?

The school start time is not changing and learners are expected to be in classrooms and ready for learning at 8:50 as is currently the case.

  • Concern regarding time to settle before the school day begins.

There has been some misunderstanding regarding the purpose of tutor time which has led to it not being seen as an important or compulsory part of the school day.  It is not a period of social time but a session where review is the focus, hence the change in title.  The Academic Review will focus on reviewing attendance, behaviour, academic progress.  It will also be a time when assemblies take place and elements of PSHE (Personal Social and Health Education).

  • Concern regarding learners not seeing their tutor at the beginning of the day.

The pastoral team will continue to monitor learners at the beginning of each school day and any concerns or issues will be picked up by them at this point.  The tutor will also be able to follow up on any matters when they meet with their tutor group later in the day.

Change of timings for break and lunchtime

  • Concern around reducing the time for interaction during the school day.

There will still be 50 minutes of social time within the school day.

  • Will there be sufficient time to obtain food and consume it?

Due to multiple serving points, the food service is currently completed significantly before the end of each break time.

  • Concern regarding children with specific medical needs having sufficient time to eat.

Any learner with a medical care plan will have it reviewed before the end of term and any adjustment to break and lunchtime will be taken into consideration at this point.

  • Will there be sufficient time to use the toilet?

This will not be a problem.  In addition to the current provision there will be a new block of toilets. The rotation of entry into lunch also allows for easier access to the toilets.  It is also worth reiterating that toilets are opened inbetween lessons.

  • Will there be a reduction in the amount of clubs?

There will be a change to the kind of activities offered at this time rather than a reduction and additional opportunities will arise as a result of the earlier finish.

End of the school day

  • Concern regarding pick up times for children occurring simultaneously.

Whilst the vast majority of high school learners make their way home independently, we recognise that some of our learners are collected.  There will be the option of learners staying in school at a club or in a supervised area until 4pm if required.

An increase in the amount of extra curricular activities on offer will also allow for later pick ups.

Other queries

  • What will happen about school escorts and taxis?

Advance notice will be given regarding the change to time in order for pick up times to be changed.

  • Concern regarding children on ASD spectrum.

Learners who struggle with change will be helped to manage any amendments through various means including one to one explanations and visual aids.