Our School


Connah’s Quay High School prides itself on the quality of its pastoral structures and systems of support for the young people in our care.

Whole school approaches to pastoral care are contained in our behaviour and motivation policy and clear policies for Child Protection, Equality, Respecting Others and Attendance are promoted in school.

Alongside our policies are a range of practices to promote well health;

  • Peer mentoring through the prefects system for Year 7 learners
  • A school council with elected membership from all year groups
  • A whole school system of rewards for individuals

Year 7

Pastoral Co-ordinator – Mrs A Catherall

Year 8

Pastoral Co-ordinator – Mrs C Hunter

Year 9

Pastoral Co-ordinator – Miss C Hughes

Year 10

Pastoral Co-ordinator – Mrs C Edwards

Year 11

Pastoral Co-ordinator – Mrs Raggett


Mr J King

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs A Cox

Head of KS4

Mr S Rowlands

Head of KS3

Years Established



Get In Touch

Location: CQHS, Golftyn Lane, Connahs Quay, CH5 4BH

Main Office Telephone: 01244 813491

School Day: M-F: 8:50am - 3:15pm